Tonico Para El Alma / Pharmacy for the Soul

Tonico Para El Alma / Pharmacy for the Soul
Published on 2016-10-25 by

Un libro en el que se recogen meditaciones y consejos del gran maestro Osho para combatir las inquietudes cotidianas. Con su habitual claridad y sencillez, Osho, el gran m�stico contempor�neo, nos propone 108 consejos para enfrentarnos a los problemas que nos impiden alcanzar el pleno bienestar y la felicidad en nuestro d�a a d�a. Las �prescripciones� aparecen a lo largo de nueve cap�tulos, cada uno de los cuales centra su enfoque en un aspecto de nuestra cotidianidad, desde el cuidado de s� y el conocimiento de uno mismo hasta la conexi�n entre cuerpo y mente, el amor y la sexualidad. Lejos de perderse en disquisiciones metaf�sicas vacuas, Osho pone todo su empe�o en mostrar una filosof�a de vida que, aunque profunda, resulte comprensible y apta para todo aquel que precise de ella. Presenta as� unas meditaciones pr�cticas sin prescindir, por ello, de la amenidad, la poes�a o el sentido del humor que hacen de la obra de Osho un tesoro �nico de saber y espiritualidad. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION Pharmacy for the Soul suggests holistic remedies for a variety of ailments. Each section begins with a description and diagnosis of an emotional or physical ailment and then lists a number of prescriptions. Remedies include stretching techniques, meditations, laughter and breathing exercises, vocalizations, visualizations, chants, and massage, which are Osho's suggestions for helping to cure everything from nailbiting to insomnia to depression. In addition to treatments, the book is laced with poetic, humorous, and illuminating commentary that explores how one can come to peace with oneself both physically and emotionally. For the experienced holistic reader seeking further inspiration, or for the newcomer in need of direction, this is the must-have medicine cabinet of aids to living a life that is healthy, relaxed, and full of spontaneous joy. Organized in a user-friendly format, Pharmacy for the Soul addresses such issues as: * Relieving stress and physical tension * Building self-confidence * Enhancing emotional and physical vitality * Mood Swings * Sexuality * Diet

This Book was ranked at 9 by Google Books for keyword Forest of the Pygmies.

Book ID of Tonico Para El Alma / Pharmacy for the Soul's Books is ZkyxDAEACAAJ, Book which was written byOshohave ETAG "0EhgZ9GThq4"

Book which was published by since 2016-10-25 have ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code is 9788466333863 and ISBN 10 Code is 846633386X

Reading Mode in Text Status is false and Reading Mode in Image Status is false

Book which have "256 Pages" is Printed at BOOK under CategorySelf-Help

This Book was rated by Raters and have average rate at ""

This eBook Maturity (Adult Book) status is NOT_MATURE

Book was written in es

eBook Version Availability Status at PDF is falseand in ePub is false

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